Quick Start

Last updated: Feb 20th, 2018


Visit the downloads section of webdna.us to find WebDNA fcgi suitable for your server.

You will need to install version 8.5 or later

Download a copy of WebDNA eCom core files

Download WebDNA eCom


Step One

Install and configure WebDNA as per the instructions: WebDNA Downloads

Configure WebDNA to use .dnalib

Step Two

FTP to the root of your site and upload the contents of the WebDNA eCom directory

Configure your site preference
  1. http://yoursite.com/admin

  2. Default user name & password is admin/admin
  3. Navigate to Admin > Site Prefs
    • Set your STORE-TITLE
    • All other preferences as you see fit
  4. Further explanations of settings can be found here: Preferences

Step Three

You are now ready to add content to your store