Preference Explanations

Last updated: Feb 20th, 2018

Site Preferences

Site preferences are used across the entire site, both admin and store areas of the site. These preferences start with 'SITE-'


This is the beginning of the meta title.


Set in seconds the length of time that aWebDNA Session will last for to enable a logged-in user to stay logged-in.


IMPERIAL or METRIC units used for product measurements


When set to T (green), the site will generate a product SKU by using the next available number. When set to F (red) you can enter your own SKU value. All items in the store are identified in the site system with a unique identifier - IT-ID in the items.db


Not in use


Set this to T (green) if you have installed SSL in your site, it will ensure that https is used when required.


This is the important seed that is used in WebDNA's Encrypt. Once set, do not change it

Admin Preferences

Admin preferences are used only with the ADMIN of the site. These preferences start with 'ADMIN-'


Reserved for future use.


When set to T (green) any debug information available will be displayed in the ADMIN section of your site.

Store Preferences

Store preferences are used within the front end 'Store Area' of the site. They are also used in the administration system of the store. These preferences start with 'STORE-'


The currency that your site BILLS in. The value is set using the 3 letter ISO-4217 code for the currency. Currency codes are listed here: > Admin > Web Store > Countries


Reserved for future use.


The default phone number for your store that is displayed throughout the site.


The email address that sends invoices/receipts from your website.


The TAX Rate you set for your store. Set as a number representing the percentage vale ie set to 5 if the tax rate is 5%, or set to 7.5 if the rate is 7.5%


Set this value to the number of hours ahead of GMT your site is. Set in the format HH:MM:SS


Similar to the SITE-EXPTIME, this determines how long a WebDNA session may stay alive. Set as seconds ie 300 = 5 minutes (5 x 60)


This is where your store HTML files are in relation to your web root. Usually set as /var/www/html on a Linux system.


This is the same as the password required by WebDNA to change the price of an item in your shopping cart. This password must be exactly the same as the one that you set in your WebDNA preferences.


The email address displayed on your website that is for customer support.


Length of time that a store shopping cart cookie is allowed to exist. These times are predetermined and should be selected from the available list.


Reserved for future use. Currently the system does not include shipping cost in tax calculations.


List of payment gateways available to your store. The default list is: PayPalExpress;DirectDeposit;Stripe. New gateways will be added over time.


Reserved for future use.


The email address that general email email is sent FROM your website.


Items are created in items.db as 'draft' while you are creating the item. Set the 'item' to online or 'offline' to display or hide the item from visitors. Current default options are Online;Offline;Draft;


Reserved for future use. Current defaults are Physical;Downloadable;Service;


The title that you give the 'BLOG' section of your website.


When set to T (green) any debug information available will be displayed in the STORE section of your site.